Discover the Thailand

Experience unparalleled diving adventures in the heart of the Indian Ocean.

About Thailand's Andaman Sea

The Thailand, an archipelago of 26 atolls, is renowned for its crystal-clear waters, vibrant coral reefs, and abundant marine life.

It's a diver's paradise offering encounters with manta rays, whale sharks, and diverse underwater ecosystems.

All dives are made from skiffs capable of carrying 9 guests

The beautiful Thailand Aggressor offers two itineraries: the North Andaman Sea and the South Andaman Sea. The Northern itinerary departs from Tap Lamu Pier and the Southern itinerary from Chalong Pier. Both Piers are located about 1 - 1 1/2 hours from the Phuket International Airport (HKT) on the island of Phuket and can be easily reached with road transport. All charters run Saturday to Saturday.

  • Diving begins Sunday morning and ends Friday when the Aggressor returns to port.
  • Average of up to 27 dives on 7 night charters including day and night dives.
  • Depth Range: 12 m – 30 m (40 ft – 100 ft)
  • Average water temperatures: 26C - 29C (79F - 84F)
  • A 3mm wetsuit recommended

All dives are made from skiffs capable of carrying 9 guests.

Thailand liveaboard route map showing North Andaman Sea, South Andaman Sea, Richelieu Rock, Surin National Park, Koh Tachai, Koh Bon, Similan National Park, Elephant Head Roack, Shark Fin Reef, Lanta National Park, Tarutao National Park, Racha Noi, Raha Yai, Koh Lipe, Hin Daeng and Anemone Reef

Dive Itineraries

7-night Northern Route - From November to April

North Andaman Sea

  • Up to 5 dives daily, including night dives
  • Visits to Similan National Park, including Anitas Reef, Shark Fin Reef, East of Eden, Elephant Head Rock, and Christmas Point, Koh Bon, Koh Tachai, and Richelieu Rock located in Surin National Park
  • Opportunities to see manta rays, reef shrks and whale sharks
View Typical Detailed Itinerary

Dive Sites in the North Andaman Sea include:

Similan Islands

The Similan Islands which lie approximately 100 km North-West of Phuket, in Thailand. The area was declared a National Park in 1982. The Similans comprise 9 islands, which run roughly North to South with numerous smaller rock outcroppings. With snow-white beaches, lush tropical jungle and spectacular dive sites in stunning turquoise waters, it's not surprising that the Similans are often ranked as one of the top 10 dive sites in the world!

With names like 'Elephant Head', 'Boulder City', 'Sharkfin Reef' and 'East of Eden', you'll soon appreciate why the Similans deserve the reputation they have obtained.

Thailand LiveAboard diving is some of the best diving in the world.

Koh Bon and Koh Tachai

Two uninhabited islands, situated between the Similans and Surin National Park, and to the North of the Similans. They offer a variety of excellent dive sites - including a breathtaking drop-off - with a wealth of hard and soft corals, and great opportunities to see passing manta rays and whale sharks.

Anita's Reef - Barracuda’s Point, “Hin Muan Deaw”

The Thai name for this spectacular rock is “Hin Muan Deaw” and is the best way to describe how beautiful this rock really is, as it directly translates to “Whole roll (of film) rock”, as in the days of film cameras, you could use an entire roll film just on this rock. The reef slope falls from the reef flat at 5 – 10 m. to the sand bottom at a maximum of 26 - 28 m. Shallow coral gardens comprise huge pore and staghorn corals with small pinnacles. A big outcrop located on the SouthEast makes this dive site unique and attracts many photographers. Colorful soft corals, gigantic sea fans, and many species of hard corals surround this fantastic rock.

West of Eden

West of Eden comprises giant granite boulders which create nice canyons, with walls covered in colourful soft corals and giant sea fans. Some areas are characterised by rubble and sand slope falling to a depth of 30 - 35 m. The shallows are home to many reef fishes, and have stacked granite boulders covered with hard corals, soft corals, gorgonians and feather stars. This area is a nice place to look for macro subjects like nudibranchs and frogfish. Keep an eye out for cleaner pipefish and many banded pipefish in small crevices, as well as long-nose hawkfish perched in black coral bushes. The rubble and sand slope are good place to search for ribbon eels, dragonets and red fire gobies. Back at the reef, moray eels are quite common, as well as turtles and schools of angelfish. Occasionally, whitetip reef sharks cruise by.

Bon - Koh Bon West Ridge, Koh Talu

The wall, part of the Similan National Park, is decorated with various colourful hard and soft corals. From the ridge located on the North-Eastern side are reefs which stretch along the island. The reef slopes from a depth of 10 m. down to a sandy bottom at 25 - 30 m. Most of the corals here are hard corals, including staghorn coral and brain coral, which are interspersed with a few big coral heads. To the North-West of the island, there is a submerged pinnacle. The pinnacle is at a depth of 18 - 45 m. and is covered with an abundance of yellow soft corals and large sea fans. This site is a cleaning station for manta rays, so there is a high chance of finding at least one during a dive, particularly at the Western ridge and North-Eastern outer reef. Koh Bon also has many kinds of sharks, such as leopard sharks and whitetip and blacktip reef sharks. Sometimes grey reef sharks swim by, and nurse sharks can be seen lying under coral heads. Schools of yellowtail barracuda, fusiliers, trevally, sweetlips and black and white snappers are all common in the area, as well as octopuses, sea snakes, and nudibranchs.

Tachai Reef – Leopard Shark Reef

Tachai Reef stretches through the Eastern side of the island, going from the North-East to the South-West. The reef slope falls from 5 - 10 m. to the sand floor at 25 - 30 m. Hard corals cover the entire area, most of which are staghorn corals, pore corals, brain corals, and fire corals. In the Southern area, the gentle slope becomes a steep drop-off which continues from the island down to 30 m. Divers regularly see leopard sharks lying at the outer sandy area and sometimes in shallow areas. Large stingrays are also found occasionally. General reef fish include pufferfish, lionfish, parrotfish, and moray eels. At night, several species of crabs and shrimp come out to hunt. It is possible to see twin-spotted lionfish, a rare species of lionfish that tends to be shy and hide in crevices. Cuttlefish, nudibranchs and flatworm are also common.

Richelieu Rock – Hin Plo Naam

Richelieu Rock is one of the most famous dive sites of Thailand, It is an isolated pinnacle to the East of the Surin Islands. Forming a horseshoe figure, the pinnacle falls steeply to the surrounding sand bottom at a maximum depth of 35 m. The South side is a bay with a slope which gently falls to the deep, while the remainder comprises sheer walls, groups of rocks and numerous small caves which are home to various marine life. The majority of corals are colourful soft corals jostling for position against the wall, accompanied by huge sea fans, hard corals and sea anemones.

Due to the diversity of small and large creatures, Richelieu Rock is a paradise for underwater photographers. Ghost pipefish, frogfish, harlequin shrimp, seahorses, Janss pipefish are some of the smaller marine life which can be spotted here. Also, divers have often encountered cuttlefish mating. In addition, plenty of anemone fish species, particularly tomato clownfish, are regularly sighted. Different types of moray eels such as giant moray, zebra moray, and white-eyed moray are common. Pelagic fish swarming around the small outcrops include chevron barracuda, rainbow runners, and giant groupers resting on the sand floor are a common sight. Lastly, this site is famous in Thailand for being a hotspot for encounters with both whale sharks and manta rays.

Tachai Pinnacle – Twin Peaks

A solitary island located 20 km. North of Koh Bon, Koh Tachai has magnificent white sandy beaches with two interesting dive spots, Southern pinnacles and Eastern reef. Tachai Pinnacle or Twin Peaks, is a pair of submerged pinnacles located 500 m South of Koh Tachai. The Southern pinnacle is larger, at a depth of 12 m. from the top. It is a dome shape surrounded by large boulders. The sand bottom is at a depth of around 30 - 45 m. To the West you will find large boulders, some of which have formed swim throughs. In the East, you will find stacks of small rock, most of which are covered with hard corals and sea whips. Colourful soft corals and sea fans dominate the Northern area. The top of the pinnacle is a wide flat plain with bush and mountain coral. This huge pinnacle links to the small one with a sand patch at 24 m. The smaller pinnacle comprises a wide range of rock clusters and is home to large sea fans and corals, which are similar to those found in the Southern pinnacle.

Manta rays visit this area for feeding, and circle around the pinnacles. Some divers have encountered whale sharks as well. On the outer sand bed, divers can usually see leopard sharks, sometime three to four of them in the same dive. In addition, it is possible to find Jenkin’s rays, as well as whitetip sharks and blacktip reef sharks here as well. Swarms of chevron barracuda, bluefin trevally, batfish, snappers, and fusiliers are common here.

Elephant Head Rock - Hin Pusa, Hin Hua-ka-loak

The outstanding features of this site are the many swim-throughs. In addition, cave walls are full of soft corals, creating plenty of magnificent scenery which makes you feel like you are swimming in an underwater valley. To the West of the giant rock is a sheer wall which falls to a depth of 40 m. Divers have often seen whitetip and blacktip reef sharks outside the boulders. In addition, juvenile whitetip reef sharks can sometime be seen lying in the cracks of the boulders. In mid-water, schools of fish, including bluefin trevally, fusiliers and rainbow runners are common. Near the exposed boulders, giant trevally and great barracuda are a common sight. Also, divers may encounter large snappers and sweetlips in cracks, holes and swim-throughs.

Christmas Point

A cluster of submerged boulders, with the exception of a pinnacle at the surface that is located on the North-West ridge of Koh Ba-Ngu. Underwater, there are number of large stacked boulders which stretch from the island to a depth of 35 - 40 m., which create an arch like swim-through at 24 m.

Around the borders of the rocks and beyond, at a depth of 25 - 40 m., you are likely to find leopard sharks, whitetip and blacktip reef sharks and other big fish such as Napoleon wrasse, great barracuda, giant trevally and tunas. At the swim-throughs, giant sweetlips and groupers can be seen hiding in crevices. Schools of fish including bluefin trevally, neon fusiliers, goatfish, and long nosed emperors, are frequent visitors to the area. Many small fish, such as purple fire gobies and red fire gobies are a familiar sight here. Ribbon eels, a rare species which camouflages on the sand like whip corals, can also be seen. Also, pipefish, nudibranchs, and porcelain crabs cab be found. It may also be possible to spot manta rays passing by.

Shark Fin Reef - Hin Phae, San cha-larm

A formation of granite boulders and hard corals to the South-East of Koh Pa-Yan. The site itself is approximately 1 km. long and lies from the North-West to the South-East. Normally three pinnacles can be seen at the surface, which gives the reef its name Shark Fin Reef. Boulders which fall steeply to 35-40 m. and are surrounded by sand, occupy the vast majority of the site. Due to the fact that the boulder formation is long, coral reefs have been divided into Northern and Southern areas. Both areas are steep and cliff-like. The Northern area has more corals consisting mostly of staghorn coral and soft corals, combined with tiny rocks and sea fans. The Southern side is made up primarily of sheer walls. Overall, at various parts of the reef, some pinnacles have stacked themselves on top of one another, forming many swim-throughs which divers can enjoy.

Near the sandy areas, you are likely to find leopard sharks, whitetip and blacktip reef sharks, Kuhl’s stingrays and spotted garden eels. Furthermore, this site is one of the few areas in the Similans where you can see Napoleon wrasse and hump head parrotfish. Larger than usual adult cube boxfish are also often seen, particularly in the shallow waters of the East. Among the boulders, a lot of camouflaged marine life can be found, including octopuses and devil scorpionfish. Manta rays can be spotted during the month of April and whale sharks have also been reported in the vicinity.

7-night Southern Route - From May to October

South Andaman Sea

  • Up to 5 dives daily, including night dives
  • Visits to Shark Point, Koh Dok Mai, Racha Noi, Racha Yai; and in Lanta National Park - Koh Haa, Hin Daeng, and Hin Muang, and Koh Lipe in Tautao National Park, returning through Phi Phi Island and Anemone Reef
  • Opportunities to see manta rays and whale sharks
View Detailed Itinerary

Koh 5 - Lepe - Hin Mung Hin dang - Phi Phi - Anemone Reef

KOH HAA-LAGOON - Koh Haa No.2 and No.4

Located in the middle of Koh Haa group, the Lagoon is a 5 m deep area surrounded by a pair of small limestone towers (Koh Haa No.2 and No.4) to the East, and Koh Haa No.3 to the West. The South tower, covered with colourful soft coral, huge see fans, black corals, fields of anemones and orange cup coral, forms the South side of the islands, with the outer sand bottom at a depth of around 24 m. A number of rocks are scattered beyond the wall, where divers may find snappers, and you will find hard coral scattered all around the sandy, sloped area connecting the two islands. The North tower is quite similar to the South, except things are on a larger scale.

Koh Haa No.3, a long island to the West of the lagoon. It is also another good dive spot, however, less famous than the two towers. This site is perfect for macro lovers. Because of the nature of limestone cliffs, there are many cracks and crevices along the wall, offering shelter to many small creatures like shrimp and crabs. Take a closer look at a sea fan, and you may find ornate ghost pipefish and cowries camouflaged among the fronds. Harlequin Shrimp and sea moths have been spotted between the two islands sometimes. Many species of nudibranchs make their home at the wall, and lobsters and squid can also be found here.

KOH HAA – NEUA - The Chimney, Koh Haa No.1

Koh Haa – Neua is the Northernmost island of Koh Haa group. Reefs surround this island with the North coast featuring a wall line covered with soft coral, sea fans and barrel sponges. A hard coral reef slope stretches from the SouthEast side to the East side of this island. The maximum depth at Koh Haa – Neua is 25 – 30 m.

The most popular diving spot on this island is located on the South side, and it is characterised by stunning outcrops covered by dense growths of soft corals and sea fans which create a dazzling swim through. At 16 – 18 m., there is a grotto which leads to a chimney-like vertical hole – another highlight of this dive site. This chimney has two exits at a depth of 5 m. Kuhl’s stingrays, moray eels, scorpionfish and puffer fish are common sightings. Leopard sharks have also been spotted in the sand beyond the reef. Divers should also take the time to explore crevices – you may find ornate ghost pipefish, or even rare species such as the tiger-tail seahorse. Eye-catching harlequin shrimp have also been found in the area.

KOH HAA – YAI - The Twin Cathedral

The largest of the Haa islands is Koh Haa Yai. It is characterised by a steep cliff perpendicular to sea level that stretches all the way from above the water to depths of up to 30 m. Koh Haa Yai is surrounded by reefs, and the most famous dive spot is the rock wall at the South side of the island, which ends in a sandy bottom at 25-30 m. and is covered with a variety of soft corals, sea fans and hard corals.

There are two underwater caves on the South-East side. The entrance of the first cave is at a depth at 12 m. As this cave becomes narrower as you go deeper, cave penetration is not recommended unless divers have obtained cave diving certification. The second cave is actually a shallow cavern, and can be found to the East of the first. The entrance is split into two by a vertical rock plate, but the remainder of the cave is spacious and well illuminated. The hall height of the cave is 2-3 m. above sea level, so swimming to the surface from inside the cave is possible. This cave is also known as “The Cathedral” because of the blue light reflected from the surface. The exterior of the cave is covered with soft corals, sea whips and rock outcrops, ending in a sandy bottom at depths of 28-30 m. Leopard sharks and Kuhl’s stingrays are often found around the sandy bottom. Juvenile lobsters and a variety of nudibranchs can be spotted around crevices at the cliff, especially at the entry of the cave. Look closely, and you may also find ghost pipefish camouflaged among sea fans or soft corals. Schools of squid and yellowtail barracuda are normally seen near the surface close to cave’s entry, Reflection from school of copper sweepers can be seen when you shine a light into the cave. Hawksbill turtles have also been spotted in the area.

Hin Daeng

If Richelieu Rock is the best dive site in the Northern Andaman area, then Hin Daeng and Hin Muang, the striking twin outcrops alone in the open sea, are undoubtedly the best of the Southern Andaman region. Meaning ‘red rock’ in Thai, Hin Daeng is covered with red soft corals, which makes the rock appear red. Only three small pinnacles are visible from the surface, but once underwater, the vast form of Hin Daeng stretches 30-40 m. down before reaching the sandy bottom.

A long rocky wall consisting of soft corals, sea fans, and black corals stretches from the West to the South side of Hin Daeng, reaching to the sandy bottom 40-50 m. below. The East and the North-East side, on the other hand, is a reef slope with pinnacles and hard corals. The contour slopes down to the sand at depths of around 35-40 m. Divers can also swim across the big channel on the North side of Hin Daeng, which lead to the West side.

The diversity of marine life here ranges from large pelagic fish like manta rays and whale sharks, to the rich variety of nudibranchs. Manta rays in small groups of 3-4 are often spotted at Hin Daeng and whale sharks are also frequently sighted, particularly during the peak season (February to April) when they stay for a long time in these feeding grounds. Leopard sharks are often seen resting in the sand in the daytime, and grey reef sharks have also been reported. You may even get to witness large fish like barracudas or moray eels hunting. Heading back to the rocky wall, you may also find an abundance of macro critters such as the ghost pipefish, harlequin shrimp, long nose hawkfish, and nudibranchs.

Hin Muang

The twin outcrops to the West of Hin Daeng are referred to as Hin Muang, which means, “purple rock” in Thai. The outcrops are totally submerged, and are covered with purple soft coral, hence the site name. The outcrops are long and narrow, reminiscent of loaves of French bread. There are several pinnacles, with drop-offs stretching down to the sandy bottom at 45-60 m. The drop-offs around Hin Muang are rich with marine life and covered by soft corals, gorgonian sea fans and black corals.

Hin Muang is an oasis in the expanse of the South Andaman Sea, attracting a wealth of pelagic visitors like manta rays and whale sharks, particularly during the peak plankton-bloom period around the end of March and April. In addition, schools of rainbow runners, barracudas, snappers, batfish and many other tropical reef residents surround the pinnacles of Hin Muang, while other fish like groupers, snappers, and giant morays lurk among the many crevices. In sandy areas, divers frequently come across leopard sharks, as well as grey reef sharks and marble rays. The area is also rich in macro life, such as ghost pipefish, harlequin shrimp and an unimaginable variety of nudibranchs just waiting to be discovered. Take a peak among the intricate branches of a black coral forest, and you may spot a long nose hawkfish.

Bida Nok

Boasting a remarkably dramatic underwater topography, Koh Bida Nok is characterised by steep precipices, caves, swim-throughs and underwater crags. It is no wonder that Koh Bida Nok and its sister island Koh Bida Nai are two of the most popular dive site in the Phi Phi islands. There is a small underwater bay at the Southern side of the island made up of a reef slope and rocky floor which begins at 6 m. and ends on a sandy bottom at 20 m. A vertical swim-through at the SouthWest side of the island, beautifully illuminated by surface lights, is not to be missed. Outcrops of various sizes are scattered along the West coast, sloping down to depth of 26-28 m., while the East coast is a reef slope with a mixture of hard and soft corals and small outcrops.

Leopard sharks are usually found lying on the sandy bottom, and blacktip reef sharks may sometimes be found along the reef line. Kuhl’s stingrays are common in the area, and look out for small bamboo sharks hiding in cracks. Look to the blue beyond the reef and you may also see schools of pickhandle barracuda and bigeye snapper. Along the reef, you will also find a variety of colourful reef fish, such as pufferfish, porcupinefish and lionfish. Macro lovers should also keep a sharp lookout for ornate ghost pipefish and seahorses.

Bida Nai

Like its sister island, Koh Bida Nai has an amazing topography of underwater crevices, huge boulders, and fields of staghorn reef. Stretched across the South and West coasts of the island is a gradual reef slope which begins at a depth of 5-10 m. and is made up of hard corals like pore corals, table corals and staghorn corals. There are also some big boulders and a swim-through on the Southern side. The Eastern side of the island is a big sand slope with fields of staghorn corals. Divers can find leopard sharks snoozing in the island, or swim out to the large pinnacle beyond the reef for the big school of trevally, barracuda, and other fish. The top part of the pinnacle is around 14-18 m. from the surface, and extends to depths of at least 30 m.

The topography on the Northern side of the island, on the other hand, consists mostly of stunning crags and cliffs, with a wall dropping vertically to depths of 20-25 m. before hitting the sandy bottom. In this section, there are soft corals, sea fans and lots of huge barrel sponges. Leopard sharks are quite common in this area, especially on the Eastern side of the island. Blacktip and Whitetip reef sharks have been known to make appearances in the area, and be sure not to startle bamboo sharks, which may be hiding under rocks or in cracks. Divers may even spot a turtle or two.

Schools of barracuda and trevally are often sighted near the East pinnacle, as are snappers, mackerel and other pelagic species. Divers may also find sea snakes, cuttlefish and Kuhl’s stingrays. Macro species such as ghost pipefish, nudibranchs, and porcelain crabs are also frequently sighted.

King Cruiser

King Cruiser was a car and passenger ferry servicing the Phuket to Phi Phi Island route, which sank on 04 May, 1997, after hitting a submerged rock known as Anemone Reef, while on its way to Phi Phi Island. Fortunately, no lives were lost during the incident. Having fortunately settled in an upright position at the sandy bottom, the wreck stays relatively close to Anemone Reef and Shark Point and is 25-27 km. East of Chalong Bay with a North-South orientation. The depth is around 32 m. at the sand bottom and about (14-15 m. on top.

The wreck is 85 m. long by 25 m. wide, and has four decks with large passages, and window holes divers can use to gain easy access to explore the specious interior. Some past of the wreck, however, have noticeably deteriorated, and in mid-2003 the top deck at the stern collapsed into the mid-section. The wreck is now considered unsafe for penetration. Divers can still explore the passenger deck level at a depth of around 18-22 m., while others may be more interested in checking out the remains of the wheelhouse at the top level. For those interested in shark sightings, a nurse shark has been seen sleeping in near the remains of the propellers at the bottom, and a grey bamboo shark has been spotted at the opening around the middle level at the stern. Hundreds of scorpionfish are usually camouflaged almost everywhere on the barnacles and rusting steel of the wreck. Divers are, therefore, advised to be careful if they absolutely have to hold on to part of the wreck or touch something. Along the stern, hovering lionfish are a common sight, and divers may find themselves surrounded by schools of trevally, snapper, rabbitfish, and fusilier at the top of the wreck. Other creatures which can be spotted on the wreck are a few species of nudibranchs, eels, crabs and lobsters. Occasionally, one may even encounter a huge great barracuda or a hawksbill turtle.

Shark Point - Hin Mu Sang

Named for the frequent sighting of leopard sharks in the area. Known as Hin Mu Sang by locals, this dive site is made up of 3 main pinnacles which lie in an almost North-to-South formation, with the axis slightly skewed to the East. These pinnacles are usually referred to by their numbers – the Northern-most pinnacle is “Number 1”, and so forth.

This site has the most diversity of fish and corals in the area. Each pinnacle is about 10-15 m. away from the others, and has areas covered with striking purple and pink soft corals, sea fans ranging from 50 cm to as big as a person, as well as beds of table coral, staghorn coral and coral head. Pinnacle No.1 is the only one visible from the surface and has a small lighthouse, with a surprisingly large submerged portion. No.2’s peak is 5-7 m. below the surface and No.3’s peak at 15 m. below the water. The sand bottom is at about 12 m. depth on the North side, and the pinnacle stretches out a little to the North-West to a depth of around 24 m., and shallower, to depths of around 15-22 m., on the South and East side, with scattered rock all around.

The dive usually starts from one pinnacle and finishes at the next pinnacle, with the direction dependant on the current. As there is a great diversity of marine life here, it is almost impossible to cover all three pinnacles is one dive and do justice to the site. The third pinnacle is rarely visited because the average depth is quite deep. For a more enjoyable one-hour dive, most people dive from No.1 to No.2 or vice versa. Some species of marine life which inhabit the area are scorpionfish, lionfish, pufferfish, blue-ringed angelfish, snappers, groupers and a few types of eels. On the rock and between corals, look for colourful nudibranchs, Durban dancing shrimp and also cute little juvenile fish like the cube boxfish and harlequin sweetlips. Above the reef, there are also schools of fish like the yellowtail barracuda, yellowline snapper and soldierfish.

Shark Point is the place to go for divers eager to spot big fish. There is always a good chance of finding leopard sharks lying on the bottom next to the pinnacle, and grey bamboo sharks can also be found hiding under coral heads or inside small crevices. Sharks are, however, not the only highlight of the site-tiger-tail seahorses and ornate ghost pipefish frequently provide divers with a pleasant surprise among the sea fans and corals.

Anemone Reef - Hin Jom

Located around 25-27 km. to the East of Chalong Bay, Anemone Reef is a submerged pinnacle with its top around 5 m. below the surface, giving this dive site its Thai name “Hin Jom”. Its English name is similarly straightforward - sea anemones dwell in stunningly dense populations in the shallow areas, presenting an amazing view of the sea’s own version of the living carpet.

The pinnacle has a North-South orientation, with a small, sloped channel close to the Southern part. The depth ranges from 5-25 m., and while there is a gentle slope down to the sandy bottom on the East side, it is steeper on the West side. Because of the quantity, and the variety of marine life which lives in the beautiful soft corals and sea fans which cover the pinnacle, Anemone Reef is the choice site for naturalist courses and is no doubt a favorite among photographers as well.

Anemone fish (clownfish) are common, as are big schools of snapper which cloud the pinnacle. Schools of yellowtail barracuda are also often seen circling the rock, together with groupers, oriental sweetlips, juvenile harlequin sweetlips, scorpionfish and solderfish that flit among corals, cracks and crevices. Leopard sharks, possible “escapees” from the famous dive sites nearby, may also swim by from time to time. Small critters such as tiger-tail seahorses are also found here on occasion. At the shallow areas near the mooring line, a couple of ornate ghost pipefish and even an anglerfish have been seen here previously.

Choose scuba diving Phuket and it's surrounding areas, the Thailand Aggressor offers the best LiveAboard Andaman Sea diving.

Sample itineraries and maps are for illustrative purposes only and subject to change based on local regulations, guest experience, weather, and logistics.

Yacht Deck Plan

Detailed deck plan of Thailand Aggressor showing cabin layouts and common areas

Deck Plan - Thailand Aggressor

The Thailand Aggressor is a spacious 35 m. yacht with a 7 m. beam, built and powered for comfort, safety and stability. She is diesel powered, cruises at 9 knots and has 220-volt/50 hz power onboard.

Comfortable accommodations for 16 guests include 8 spacious staterooms each independently air-conditioned, a private head and shower, picture window or porthole view, mirrored cabinet, hair dryer, fresh towels. Each stateroom has a 56 cm. flat screen TV with a hard drive containing a selection of movies, 3 master staterooms with a queen bed (one on lower deck and two on main deck), and 6 deluxe twin staterooms located on the main deck with two side by side beds.

The Thailand Aggressor has a beautiful spacious salon, large shaded sun deck, hot tub, chaise lounges and deck chairs, bar, and grill.

There is a variety of onboard nightly entertainment, including diving, fish identification presentations, movies, games and more. A small library of books for exchange is maintained onboard, as well as fish identification books for reference.

All meals, snacks and beverages are provided.

Accommodation Options

Luxury master suite stateroom with queen bed and panoramic windows aboard Thailand Aggressor

Photo by Aggressor Liveaboards

Master Suite Stateroom

A comfortable and spacious stateroom located on the main deck with a Queen Bed, private bathroom and shower, picture window view, mirrored cabinet, wardrobe, bathrobes, hairdryer, toiletries, fresh towels daily, individual climate control and monitor with media player.

ROOMS 2 & 3 (only)

Room Size: 3.5 m x 2.6

Queen Bed: 1.52 m x 2.03 m

Comfortable twin stateroom with two single beds and porthole windows on Thailand Aggressor

Photo by Aggressor Liveaboards

Deluxe Twin Stateroom

A comfortable stateroom with two twin beds. Private head and shower, porthole windows individual climate control, monitor with media player and hair dryer.

ROOMS 4 & 5

Room Size: 2.9 m x 2.6 m

Single Beds: Each 1.22 m x 1.85 m

ROOMS 6, 7, & 8

Room Size: 2.9 m x 2.6 m

Single Beds: Each 0.89 m x 2.03 m

Spacious deluxe stateroom with convertible king or queen bed and picture window on Thailand Aggressor

Photo by Aggressor Liveaboards

Deluxe Stateroom

A comfortable and spacious stateroom located on the lower deck with queen bed, private bathroom and shower, porthole views, mirrored cabinet, wardrobe, hairdryer, bathrobes, toiletries, fresh towels daily, individual climate control and monitor with media player.


Room Size: 3.5 m x 2.03 m

Queen Bed: 1.54 m x 2.03 m

Spacious dining area for delicious meals prepared by the yacht's chef aboard Thailand Aggressor

Photo by Aggressor Liveaboards

On-Board Dining

The menu on board is varied and plentiful, with a variety of fEasts, barbecues and local cuisine. If you have any special dietary requirements, please be sure these are noted when completing the Guest Information System (GIS).

You will awaken each day to fresh fruits, hot entrees, cereals and juices. Lunches feature hot soups, homemade breads, salads and sandwiches and/or entrees. Dinners are chef prepared and served each evening and include salads, vegetables, seafood, beef or chicken with a fresh homemade dessert.

Once on board, please speak to the chef about any special needs. Certain special dietary and beverage requests may not be available due to the remote nature of this location. As noted, make a note in the GIS when completing your reservation details

The Aggressor’s beverage selection includes fruit juices, soft drinks, iced water, iced tea, coffee, and a limited selection of local beers and wines, which are complimentary. Due to the high duty charged on liquor in the Thailand, we suggest you bring your own special brand.

Drinking and diving do not mix. Once you consume alcohol, you become a sunbather until the next day.


* All prices are shown in US Dollars (USD), and are per person.

What Our Divers Say

"Enjoyed a very helpful, service-oriented, attentive, flexibel and courteous team. Was just incredible." - Valeria G.

"The crew was wonderful: helpful, professional and proactive. The food was excellent." - Francoise C.

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